Its been a few weeks since I have posted becuase life has gotten away from me. I will try and catch you up on what's been going on.
1. Mason and Chase (our two nephews) came to town and we took them to Jabbers in Nampa. Its a really cool place for kids, its like a big inside playground. Poor Mason was sick and didn't have the best time but Matt and I enjoy the time we have with them making memories. Here are their best smiles, they sort of look forced!
2. Then Matt and I bought a gun. I have never owned one and Matt has a .22 but I have wanted one for a while. I'm not into hunting defenseless animals but I did want a gun for protection and so we could go out shooting. I told Matt whatever gun we got had to be able to either hurt someone really bad or kill them. If someone is coming into our house I want to be able to protect myself. So we settled on a Taurus 357 seven shot magnum. Its all black, sort of heavy, but I like how it shoots. we went out shooting the day after we got it and that gun is powerful! So I am officially a gun person. I have already found a pink handle .38 that i want for my birthday!!

3. I had previously (about 5 years ago) got a Gemini sign tattooed on my right wrist. I had contemplated a tattoo for quite sometime and knew I wanted my Gemini sign. I finally went in and got it and after the nostalgia of my tattoo wore off I realized I wasn't particularly fond of it. I decided to get it fixed so I went into Talon Tattoo in Boise, referred by my good friend Mindy. I met with Emily the artist and she drew up a good alternative. While I was there I decided to get our wedding date tattooed on my ring finger (05/03/08). I had to go back and get the date touched up because Emily suggested doing it in a lighter pink. After it healed you couldn't even see it. So I went with all black, I figured the whole point of getting it was because its permanent so why not black. The other thing that's nice is it fits right under my ring so when I'm wearing it you can't even see it. All in all I'm super happy with the end results.
4. Lastly work has been crazy! We implemented a new terminal server that runs most applications but it has had some major issues. This has caused a lot of stress and extra work for my coworker Felicia and myself. I think people forget that her and I are the only two in the help desk and we help almost 400 employees. It gets really overwhelming. We have been working 10 hour days and then I come home and do homework for almost 4 hours. Not to mention this week is going to be hell because we are bringing on our Western Oregon branches onto our system. They have been instructed to submit a help desk ticket and I think its going to increase our load tremendously. Its been hard. I have decided that I'm not going to take any classes in May and going to take the whole month off. I have so many projects around the house I want to do and I don't see it getting done unless I take time off.