The day I got the call I knew something was wrong. I didn’t answer the phone and let the call go to voicemail. I still didn’t listen to the call until the next day when my brother Randy finally called me at work.
He told me that Daniel had been in a wreck and was in the hospital in Indiana. I didn’t know what to say. I had him repeat the words again and they still didn’t make any sense. I knew Daniel was in Indiana but I couldn’t understand how it had all happened. I asked my Randy what happened and he recanted a story that didn’t’ make any sense.
I went out to my car and called my mom. She was a wreck and just kept rambling on about her last conversation with Daniel.
Out of the three of us kids he was the one with the most problems. He was the one that needed more attention from our parents and he was the one who seemed lost.
I guess Daniel was planning on coming back to Idaho and had asked my mom if he could stay with them. He asked her if he was welcome at their house. My mom explained to him that all of us kids were always welcome back at home.
My mom new that day, Daniel wasn’t ever coming home. The hospital was waiting for my step dad to get there so they could remove him from life support. It took my step dad a day to get there but he made it to say his final goodbyes.
We are still unsure how this all happened and justice has yet to come, but we know Daniel’s in heaven. The hardest thing is to see Daniel’s daughter Taylie, struggle with his death. It’s sad to know she will never get to fully know her father and they will not be a part of each other’s lives.
Getting a call that morning that Daniel was in the hospital is a memory that will haunt me, always.