Tuesday, February 1, 2011

McCall 2011

This past weekend we went to McCall for the winter carnical with some of our family. It was crazy, stressful, relaxing, and fun all at the same time! Probably my best time was tubing down the hill at the activity barn and walking the streets of McCall looking for ice sculptures. Next time we are going when there is no winter carnival going on.
Here are a few snapshots of our weekend.
This is our niece Olive and nephew Izayus. Olive was very cold and didn't enjoy the tubing hill!

 This is the tubing hill, there are four lanes that you can choose to go down.
Me and my hubby, he hates when I do these type of pictures but he's a good sport.
These are just some of the ice sculptures. It was really amazing to see the art people could do in the snow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi My Best Friend! It looks like you had so much fun in McCall. I want Dave and I to come and visit and the four of us go there. The pictures are awesome!! Lol about Matt not liking those pictures. Dave is kind of the same way too but he's a trooper too:) I love your blog and I love the post about when you and Matt broke up. (Didn't love that you broke up but love what you wrote.) I can relate 100% because that's around the same time Dave wanted to take a break from me. It was the hardest moment ever. But things happen for a reason and I think as hard as it was for us to go through that, that it made our relationships with Matt and Dave a lot more stronger. I love you so much and I am thankful each and every day to have you in my life and as my Best Friend.
