I would never claim that our marriage is perfect or that I know a lot about being married but I do feel like being with someone for over ten years and married for three of those years qualifies me to talk about this!
Communication was not something we were good at in the beginning because we were both immature and trying to figure things out. I was always honest with Matt and wanted the same back from him. Now I would say we communicate very well and that’s our strongest area of our relationship. I know that when couples stop communication it can lead to issues.
Respecting each other has always been important. I don’t complain about Matt to my friends and never to his family. That will cause issues all around and out of respect for him I do not do this.
Picking your battles is huge. It’s easy to get upset with your partner and want to argue to prove your right but before you know it your two hours into a fight that doesn’t mean anything anymore. I am not saying it’s not okay to argue because I think it’s actually healthy and to disagree and talk it out is normal but starting an argument over everything is not going to make your relationship stronger. I think picking your battles comes with maturity and feeling confident in yourself and your relationship makes it easier to just throw in the towel and let the argument go.