Monday, November 28, 2011

C- won't cut it

I got a call from my advisor right before Thanksgiving break who told me that in two of my classes I got a C-. I didn’t see the big deal until she said that the ACE program will not accept this. Of course I was super disappointed in myself for getting a C- twice but what could I do about it. I try really hard in all my classes and some things I am not going to be good at. So now I am stuck retaking those two classes in hopes of getting higher than a C-, no pressure or anything! But the worst news of all….this puts me back a semester. Because of how the classes in this particular program are laid out, they are not offered all the time. I was pretty bummed almost depressed. After talking to the hubby about it we decided it happened for a reason. That’s how we think most things happen in life, for a reason. They may not happen how you planned or you may not see the outcome at first but in the end you realize it was for the best.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry, Michelle! But I couldn't agree more that things do happen for a reason. Sometimes it's hard to understand at first why when they happen but it suppose to happen that way. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished so far in your schooling!! (Misty)
