Thursday, February 23, 2012

We will miss you

Over the past year we have lost two wonderful people, my mother in law and father in law, Marcie and Cheryl. It has been a rough year seeing them get sick, watching them get sicker, and then losing them both. I have known them for over 10 years and have been blessed to have known them. Both of them have guided Matt in I in our lives and helped teach us how to be better people.

I am deeply saddened that our future children will not know these two people. I imagined Marcie and Cheryl holding our baby and now this will not happened. It makes me so sad.

I feel horrible that Matt has lost his two parents at an early age. It makes me worry that he will always have a hole in his heart that will never fill up. Its hard to see Matt and his siblings having to deal with the aftermath of their parents death.

I will always miss Marcie and Cheryl and I am upset about all of us not having them in our lives but at peace that they are together in heaven.



Me and my mom

My mom came this past weekend and we had a blast. I don’t get to see her very much and when I do I cherish the time and the moments we have together. My mom is a great person with the biggest heart. Its been weird to see my mom get older and her thought process change. When I was younger my mom was more of a free spirit and has since turned into an old lady.

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Me and my love

Matt and I were bored and were messing around!


I love hanging out with my wonderful husband. With his new schedule we don’t get to hang as much as I would prefer but we are making it work and trying to be creative.



#3 Nicknames you have and why you have those?


I have had many nicknames over the years but these are the ones that have stuck.

Shell Bell – I was given this name by my Aunt Christina and she is the only one who still calls me this. There was also this song that went along with it. The song went something like Shell Bell full of gel……

Smelly – Matt thought of this one and I can’t honestly remember how that one came to be.

Ricky Roonie – yet again, where did that came from?
These are just a few. My husband and I are big on nicknames so we are always coming up with something goofy.
