Thursday, September 29, 2011


Why the question mark? Well I am probably farthest from a BSU fan but it seems like if you live near Boise you have to love the broncos and everything blue and orange. My husband and I are not the types to go along with the crowd, in fact just the opposite. If all the kids are doing it then we most definitely are not doing it! Its how I have always been and its how the hubs has been too. I like it this way. I like to try and be my own person and stick out from the crowd when it comes to my thinking anyways. So this brings me to the whole BSU things. As I stated before I started a new job a few months back which I totally love. It’s a great company to work for and a great group of people. The only downfall…..almost everyone there are huge BSU fans. Normally I would just turn my nose up to the whole idea but I just couldn’t believe how much blue and orange I saw while not being at the BSU campus. So queue my great idea. I decided to make some blue and orange hair flowers and headbands to sell at work. I know….it sounds like I’m giving in doesn’t it. I guess in a way I am but as the hubs said I have to capitalize on this opportunity! This is what I’m telling myself so that its okay.

So off to hobby lobby we went in search of blue and orange fabric. It wasn’t hard to find because this time of the year you can always find blue and orange but with all the variety I wasn’t sure what to do. After spending about $15 I headed out of the store with fabric, ribbon, hair clips, and headbands. Well what do you know I was able to come up with a couple of ideas and I have to admit they look pretty darn good. Now I hope someone buys them because I don’t know what I will do with all this blue and orange considering I am not a fan….

Below are some pics of the headbands and hair flowers. I swear they are BSU blue and orange but the pictures don’t capture it just quite right.



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